2012年4月28日 星期六

英文寫作2-Getting a driver license in the USA(我終於拿到美國德州駕照了)

Getting a driver license in the USA.

If you have no car in Beaumont, Texas, you cannot go anywhere. So the first thing I did after I arrived in the USA was read the Texas driver license handbook in order to get the driver license.

For getting the driver license, I needed to pass two exams, the first is written and the second is driving. I passed the written exam easily so I felt confident that it would be easy for me to pass the driving exam because I have driven for fifteen years in Taiwan where there is traffic mess. I just practiced the parallel parking those days.

The driving exam was coming soon. The test was a 20 minute test in which the examiner  sat beside me and made me go to the street around the DPS (Department of Public of Safety) office. She graded my driving skills. I followed every direction of the examiner carefully and felt I drove pretty well. However, the examiner, a white lady shook her head and said,” You did not stop completely at the STOP sign, you just did a rolling stop. When you turned left or right, you did not look at the mirrors nor look over your shoulder. I am sorry, you failed today’s diving test. However your parallel parking is perfect.”

What she said was true. I did not stop completely at the stop sign. We have no stop sign in Taiwan. We only have traffic lights there. I comforted myself,” You failed the driving test just because you have no stop sign experience. Now you know how you should do when you see the stop sign, you will pass the exam next time.”

The examiner of my second driving test was another white old lady. She looked impatient.
She asked me to do the parallel parking first.  No problem, I was good at parallel parking. To make the parallel parking more perfect, I tried to be closer to the curb. Unexpectedly, I hit the pole. The examiner stopped me at once and announced,” You hit the pole, it means you fail today’s test.” She got off my car and went back to her office, left me alone in the car. I could not think or speak for a long time.

I could not believe I failed the second time just in 3 minutes. I even had no opportunity to show how completely I would stop at the stop sign. I felt so sad this time. My husband comforted and encouraged me,” Practice makes perfect, let me accompany you to practice every day.”

In my husband’s companionship, I practiced and practiced everyday for the third time driving test. The examiner of the third time told me if I failed again, I should take the written test again. I talked to her,” Trust me, I will pass this time. I never need the second written test.”
Yes, I really passed at the third time smoothly. The examiner was satisfied with my driving .The only thing she reminded me is that my stop at the stop sign was too long.

If anyone wants to know how to get the Texas driver license, just ask me. I had plenty of test experience.

Prof. Bob's comment:

That must have been very frustrating. Good essay though.

1 則留言:

  1. No pain, no gain!
    I don't like these words, but it is true sometimes.
