2012年3月25日 星期日

英文寫作1-When I am alone, I am not lonely(我愛獨處)

When I am alone, I am not lonely

I love to interact with people but I really love to be alone sometimes.

When I am alone, I love to be a friend of nature. I would like to have a walk to say hello to trees, flowers and birds. I love trees most. I love to listen to the conversation between trees and wind. I love to observe how they are dressed by seasons. They told me spring is coming these days. Their buds become light green leaves more and more. The new life of the leaves make me delighted. Whenever I find something interesting I will stop walking and take a picture then I can share it with my family.

When I am alone, I love to be a friend of myself. I would like to read my diaries written before to know who I was and I will write down the new diary to know who I am and encourage the future me to do better than now. 
I would like to do Ashtanga for my heath, too. Ashtanga is one kind of Yoga. It emphasizes the practice of deep expiration and inspiration. Whenever I finished doing Ashtanga, I feel tired but very peaceful in mind.

When I am alone , I could be friends of nature and myself so I am not lonely at all.

7 則留言:

  1. i love the first pic.!
    tigger is just ah-dorable!

  2. LOVE all the pics!!!!!!
    the trees look sooooooooooooo beautiful under the sun~~
    tigger is so cute♡
    love ur blog:))

  3. 阿丹:我喜歡面帶笑容的Marichyasana C,

    1. 親愛的麗芬:
      也會努力在做Marichyasana C時,笑得更從容些!哈!很不容易耶…
